Thursday, June 13, 2019

Ethical Dilemma Executive Summary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Ethical Dilemma Executive Summary - Essay ExampleIn some instances, it can be detect that some people argon not certain whether some issues they encounter in their operations should be considered as right or wrong. A thoroughly example of an ethical dilemma is a situation when people linear perspectiveing the same thing would regard it as wrong while others would see nothing wrong. As such, this executive summary seeks to outline the steps I can take in dealing with an issue involving an officer within the department who is pass judgment inappropriate gifts from members of the community and business which is in violation of the ethical code of conduct. 1. What measures would you take? As a new officer I leave behind be afraid of spoiling the transactionhip but on the other hand I would become part of the problem if I do not enunciate the case. I would first try to make sure that I document all the events and list parties involved as well as the gifts exchanged. Being a new of ficer, I would first approach the involved officer with my concerns reminding him of the code of ethics that we would have sworn to uphold. Based on my conversation with him, I would finish off my training officer for some general advice without raising any alarm if I am not satisfied with the response I get from him. within the semi-para military operation, I would then proceed through the chain of command starting with the supervisor explaining what I would have observed. I would not have short-winded the case out of proportion since I would have tried my best to engage this officer in a professional manner. If the supervisor does not do in a positive manner, I would proceed to contact either the Police Union, Internal Affairs and I would make sure that the document is copied to the employee relations or City Manager. 2. What are the professional implications? This practice is likely to reduce public confidence in the practice of law advertize as they will view them as corrup t. If the public loses trust in the police force, then it may be elusive for them to cooperate with the police officers which impacts negatively on crime legal profession and control. Such conduct promotes criminal activities which can make the duty of the police difficult to do. louse upion to a fault destroys effective police leadership which can touch issues related to inculcating discipline among the members of the police force. If the leaders fail to control their subordinates, then the members of the public will automatically lose faith in the police force as whole. This apparently tarnishes the image of the police force as a whole. Such a scenario can have negative implications on the performance of the police since their morale will be down. Police officers should always lead by example so as to gain the credibility and trust of the members of the public they are supposed to serve. 3. What are the liability issues involved with not reporting the officer? Failure to repor t this police officer to the commander can lead to a cancer growing among other members who may end up viewing this conduct as morally good. If a person gets away with something bad, he will tend to see the conduct as acceptable which can compromise the credibility of the police force in the long run. Other workmates can also copy this bad behaviour which can severely affect the legitimacy of the police force which is supposed to protect the people without fear or favour. Corrupt officers are not effective in their operations and this can compromise the safety of the community at large. It may also be very difficult for the police to deal with issues related to criminal activities as there will be likely chances the members of the community will be uncooperative. 4. What supervisory issues does this situation gravel to management and leadership? This particular situation makes it imperative for the management and

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