Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Chronic Illness in Age Groups Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Chronic Illness in Age Groups - Essay ExampleIt was also discovered that malignant hypertension commonly affected this age group. The causes of asthma in this group is mainly allergies to dust and pollens which are aggravated by second hand cigarette pot that is inhaled by the children (In Burkhart & Krau, 2013). Leukemia in this group is mostly idiopathic. However there is a genetic predisposition among family trees where close relatives have had the condition. Malignant hypertension on the other hand is found among pediatrics whose mothers showed excessive weight gain during pregnancy ( Cheriyan et al 2010).Among the middle age group, demographic data portrays type II diabetes, dyslipidemia and human immunodeficiency virus/AIDs as the main chronic conditions of crisis (Pattman, 2010). The main risk factors that culminate to the predominance of the conditions diabetes mellitus type II to the young adults is excessive weight gain culminating to fleshiness (Wood & Casella, 2010). H owever, obesity is only known risk factors among those whose relatives are obese thus is mostly an genetically inherited chronic disease. Poor weight control is seen in the group with high incidences of obesity. HIV/AIDs, although not a chronic non communicable disease per se is over contracted among these youths and young adults due to sexual sleeping around among adolescents and poor control mechanisms. This is a sexual active group that has been a reservoir of the killer illness.The aged have not been spared of chronic diseases either (Crimmins et al, 2010). musculoskeletal disorders like arthritis are very common amounting up to 14.8% of the adult population (Conaghan et al, 2010). The prevalence of chronic obstructive pulmonary disorders (COPD) is also very immense with most adults succumbing to lung cancers after prolonged irritation from smoke and other air pollutants that find their way to the respiratory tract (Abramovitz, 2015). Coronary heart disease and low natural cov ering pain prevail

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